Women in Science Leadership Symposium

The inaugural UNSW Women in Science Leadership Symposium held on Friday August 14, 2015 was the culmination of over ten months of planning, research and discussion.
During the preparatory twelve months leading up to the event, there were a number of encouraging initiatives which either took place or were being planned with regard to enhancing the position of women in science in Australia.
Momentum² was engaged to research some of these initiatives and produce a background paper which was circulated to UNSW staff members, presenters and other stakeholders.
We were also responsible for researching and securing presenters including from related industries for the Symposium. Speakers included Emma Alberici, Presenter, Lateline, Kim McKay AO, Executive Director and CEO of the Australian Museum, Megan Baldwin, CEO and Managing Director of Opthea Limited and Professor Emma Johnston, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research) at UNSW and Emeritus Professor Mary Josephine O'Kane AC, Chief Scientist and Engineer to Government of New South Wales and Maria Halasz, CEO and Managing Director of Cellmid Limited.
To showcase and celebrate the achievements of women who, as leaders in their field, are role models for future generations of female scientists
To provide a forum for discussion about gender equity issues in the workplace
To highlight and promote awareness of trends in women in science
In the context of this rapidly moving landscape, including the adoption of the Athena Swann Charter, the hosting of this event by UNSW Science was very timely. The excellent response to the event in terms of both attendance and feedback was also very encouraging.