2016 Australian Summer Study on Energy Productivity
Momentum² managed the media outreach for the 2016 Australian Summer Study on Energy Productivity presented by the Institute of Sustainable Futures (ISF) at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) in conjunction with the Australian Alliance to Save Energy (A2SE). The event was held from 24th- 26th February at the Novotel Hotel Manly and was well-attended by both media and other guests over the three days.
International speakers at the event included:
Kateri Callahan (President US Alliance to Save Energy)
Philip Sellwood (Chief Executive, UK Energy Savings Trust)
Martin Bornholdt (Managing Director, DENEFF- German Business Initiative for Energy Efficiency)
Steve Nadel (Executive Director, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy)
David Hochschild, (Commissioner, California Energy Commission)
Andrea Trianni (Assistant Professor, Milan Polytechnic)
Australian speakers included:
The Hon. Mark Speakman (NSW Minister for the Environment)
Greg Bourne (Chair, Australian Renewable Energy Agency)
Jon Jutsen (Chair, Australian Alliance to Save Energy)
Anna Skarbek (CEO, ClimateWorks Australia)
Prof Deo Prasad (CEO, CRC for Low Carbon Living)
Prof Stuart White (Director, Institute for Sustainable Futures, UTS)
Gerard Reiter (Executive General Manager, Asset Management, Transgrid)
Jonathon Holmes (former Presenter, Media Watch, ABC)
Andrew Chamberlin (Project Manager, Energy, Queensland Farmer’s Federations)
Paul Ryan (Director EnergyConsult Pty Ltd)
Dr Glenn Platt (Theme Leader for Local Energy Systems, CSIRO)
To highlight the opportunity for Australia to dramatically lift energy productivity in order to transition to a prosperous, low carbon energy future
To create a forum for discussion and sharing of insights following on from the landmark climate deal struck in Paris at COP21 in December, 2016 and the announcement of the National Energy Productivity Plan (NEPP)
To raise awareness of the importance of lifting Australia’s energy productivity
To raise the profile of the Institute of Sustainable Futures and promote the work that is being done by ISF in this space
To generate media interest in the Summer Study and boost attendance
The event was an outstanding success, generating over 35 interviews with national and local media outlets. The total audience reached was in excess of 9 million across all media platforms, with highlights including an opinion piece by ISF Research Director, Chris Dunstan which was published in The Australian and the plenary session featuring international speakers Kateri Callahan, David Hochschild and Martin Bornholdt which was recorded and broadcast by ABC Big Ideas program.
Examples of some media releases and coverage