The First Steps - Innovative Solutions for Your Building Retrofit Event
Initially, Lake Macquarie City Council and the City of Newcastle expressed interest in hosting a joint Environmental Upgrade Agreement (EUA) event. However, delays to the ratification of the City of Newcastle’s EUA agreement by Council meant that Lake Macquarie proceeded with its own event in May, 2013.
The City of Newcastle agreed to implement environmental upgrade agreements in June, 2013 and work commenced on setting this up in July. Momentum² was approached by the City of Newcastle to work with them on hosting an event to promote EUAs. This was held on November 28 at Fort Scratchley.
Momentum² planned and managed the event in close consultation with the City of Newcastle and Clean Energy Finance Corporation. The approach taken was to cover the basic steps involved in obtaining an EUA and included background information as well as case studies.
To promote the awareness of EUAs in the City of Newcastle area
To strengthen stakeholder engagement with stakeholders for the City of Newcastle
To provide an opportunity for networking across industry sectors
The event was well attended and feedback was very positive. The event assisted in increasing awareness of the availability of EUAs in Newcastle. Participants who also attended the Lake Macquarie City Council luncheon were able to obtain additional information and improve their understanding of EUAs. There was a wide cross-section of stakeholders in attendance who benefited from the networking opportunity that was part of the event. The panel discussion highlighted the specific needs of a regional centre such as Newcastle including the smaller scale of projects compared to Sydney, the difficulties incurred in obtaining finance for small-scale energy efficiency projects which may or may not be suitable for an EUA and the need to keep administration costs down.